Dream Makers - a heart-driven podcast for creatives, entrepreneurs and brave people making cool sh*t in the world.

Dream Makers CB Solo - Maximum Impact in short containers of time.

April 02, 2024 Claire Byrt Season 5 Episode 92
Dream Makers CB Solo - Maximum Impact in short containers of time.
Dream Makers - a heart-driven podcast for creatives, entrepreneurs and brave people making cool sh*t in the world.
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Dream Makers - a heart-driven podcast for creatives, entrepreneurs and brave people making cool sh*t in the world.
Dream Makers CB Solo - Maximum Impact in short containers of time.
Apr 02, 2024 Season 5 Episode 92
Claire Byrt

In this solo quickie episode of Dream Makers, I dive into the art of creating maximum impact in minimal time.

Join me as I guide you through the process of becoming the custodian of your precious time and energy, while staying aligned with your big vision.

Learn how to infuse every action with purpose, ensuring they contribute to the bigger picture of your vision.

Discover the power of bringing the energy of EXCITEMENT to your endeavors, staying laser-focused on the essentials, and daring to tackle the brave tasks you've set out to accomplish.

By embracing momentum, you'll witness the compound effect in action, propelling your dreams into reality wuicker and with more ease and genuine FUN.

Plus, don't miss out on a banging deal for personalised 1:1  CLARITY + UPGRADE mentoring (limited time offer) —act now and accelerate your path to success! x CB

Join PUSH THE MONEY BUTTON, pre-sale happening now, we kick off in June. Limited Spaces.

Show Notes Transcript

In this solo quickie episode of Dream Makers, I dive into the art of creating maximum impact in minimal time.

Join me as I guide you through the process of becoming the custodian of your precious time and energy, while staying aligned with your big vision.

Learn how to infuse every action with purpose, ensuring they contribute to the bigger picture of your vision.

Discover the power of bringing the energy of EXCITEMENT to your endeavors, staying laser-focused on the essentials, and daring to tackle the brave tasks you've set out to accomplish.

By embracing momentum, you'll witness the compound effect in action, propelling your dreams into reality wuicker and with more ease and genuine FUN.

Plus, don't miss out on a banging deal for personalised 1:1  CLARITY + UPGRADE mentoring (limited time offer) —act now and accelerate your path to success! x CB

Join PUSH THE MONEY BUTTON, pre-sale happening now, we kick off in June. Limited Spaces.


Hello, my friends, welcome back to the Dream Maker Podcast. It's CB here CB quickie solo. I am pulled up in front of some beautiful. Vineyards in McLaren Vale, kind of halfway between McLaren Flat and McLaren Vale because I just dropped off a Dream Maker deck to a beautiful woman in McLaren Flat. P. S. It smells divine there. It is so fresh. I thought where I lived in Port Willie was pretty magical, but I'm just in appreciation of another level of magic. What did I want to share this week with you guys was a little bit of an extension or planning a little seed around what we talked about in Dreamstream this morning. PS Dreamstream is a weekly activation. It's an opportunity to step out of everything that's going on, plug into yourself. Back into your dream, walk away with a greater sense of clarity, focus, direction, make some decisions, get clear on what's essential, boom, get charged up and get back out into the week with clarity and intention. So you should definitely join us in the dream stream if you are craving clarity. And having just way more fun in the way that you're creating in your business and your life. Anyway, this wasn't meant to be an ad for that. I just wanted to share a little bit of the thing we talked about today was maximum impact. How to, how to, how to, blah, blah, blah, how to create maximum impact in a short week. So whether you're listening to this in real time and it's the short week or you're listening to it, At any other point in time, I'm deeply committed to working in a way that is not seven days a week or 24 hours or any version of anything that feels like hustle. And the majority of my work time happens at work. Every single week, except over the six weeks of summer holidays and when my kids are on holidays, between Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday's the day off, Monday's the spaciousness day, the weekend is the weekend. And so for years I've been committed to creating this container of time for me, which is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, in which to create maximum impact. And That has been a practice. It is something I'm very good at. And it comes down to getting to the heart of what is essential. Getting super clear about what you're wanting to achieve, how that's connected to your bigger picture vision, what are you committing to doing in this particular container of time, and what you want to be celebrating at the end of the week. So we talked around a lot of this stuff in Dreamstream this morning. And I'm not going to repeat it all because, That would defeat the purpose of Dreamstream, but the, the little nugget I want to share from it today is getting into that decider role that I'm here to create maximum impact in a short period of time, because whether it's a short week or not, Pretty much all of the people that I have the pleasure of mentoring mostly have family. And if not, that's in their future and or they have jobs. And so we're, we're people who are creatives and dreamers. Becoming dream makers, bringing dreams into reality, growing a heart driven business and life. And we've got children and some people have jobs and you know, we're running households and there's so many things that feel important to us and are important to us. So we want to figure out a way to create and to make progress every week, short week or not, in a way that's impactful and in a way that isn't requiring us to hustle. And so. In this little episode, I think I just want to share an invitation to get clear and create a container of time. So for the people in the dream stream, we looked at the container of time of this week. Where do you want to be at the end of this week? I do this every single week. What do I want to achieve over Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday? What do I want to be celebrating at the end of the week? And when we get clear on that container of time, like what energy do we want to bring that container to that container of time? And so like every week, can you bring this sense of Empowered, driven, committed, excited energy to what it is you're creating, and rather than spending time in an energy that is connected to your fear, and is this working I'm not sure if this is working, is this all going to come together the way I want it to, in that question energy, can you energy, can you create this container of time and get super clear about your intentions and the things you are committed to doing in that container of time and the things that are essential, the essential projects you want to give energy and attention to in this period of time and bring your energy into a place of I'm excited about what I'm creating. And even though for us all the outcome is never certain what I think is certain, what I believe is certain, is that if we keep showing up and taking brave intentional action that is aligned with our vision, there will be a cumulative and compound effect on momentum. And so, Even if you can just hold on to that thread and on to hold on to that knowing Then it becomes way more exciting to step into the week to step into a short container of time and say Boom, this is how I want to feel. This is what I want to be celebrating at the end of this container of time This is the reality of how long I think each of those projects or tasks are going to take I'm going to put time a timer on or timers on because to create many containers of time in inside the bigger container of time to, to stay focused and remove all other distractions and get on with doing the things that are essential so that I can get to the other end of that container of time and be frigging proud of myself, regardless of the outcome. I showed up and did the thing that I said I was going to do. in that container of time. I didn't let the time pass and convince myself that I had too many things to do and get stuck in overwhelm. I decided to create a little bit of time at the beginning of the week and get clear about how I want to feel and what needs to happen in that container of time. Bring it right back down to the essentials, get really clear, like here are the essential few things. That if nothing else happens, I'm going to make progress on these projects. And this is the courageous action I'm going to take. And trust me, it'll be courageous. It'll be edgy. If you're actually wanting to grow the things that are on this essential list are going to be the things that are courageous, that are going to nudge the project forward. And yeah. If you do those things, regardless of the outcome, you're going to start to build energy and momentum in the direction of your dreams. And that is going to start to bring it into reality sooner. So I promised a quickie. I think I'm going to leave it at that. In my nature, I feel like I've always got a million more things to say, but I want you to take this, decide to make maximum impact. I think that energy and decision to like if you write down anything, write down on a little sticky note to stick in your fridge, I'm committed to maximum impact in short containers of time and start to look at your months, your weeks, your days. as containers of time. Get clear on the energy that you're going to bring to that container of time. Get clear on how you can be the custodian of your energy in that container of time. Remember, if you are dealing with other people's energies, whether that's in your home or with your children or with your clients and the people around you in the coffee shop that you can easily be impacted by other people's energy, but the most dominant energy is always win or have the power or determine the energy in a space. So as you go into a container of time, why not get super clear and bring in the dominant energy of excitement to what it is you're creating, to what it is that you are bringing into reality, that the actions you are taking are actually in fact connected to the bigger vision. So, you know, it's all going to add up. So you know, it's all going to stack up. So, you know, you're heading in the right direction. So, you know, you're not wasting time doing things that are really not essential that you could let go of outsource to other people and get done at another time, but that stay focused on the things that are going to have maximum impact, if you do that, you'll end up getting to work. I guess I want to say way less and achieve way more. And I think that's the reality ever since I started my business, that has been my intention. And I know that if you make a commitment to get to the heart of what is essential, commit to creating space for clarity, commit to creating containers of time, commit to bringing an excited energy to what is you're creating and then take the brave action and do the things you say you're going to do. you will have maximum impact and you will get to the end of that container of time, be it the month, the week, that particular day, bloody pumped and proud of yourself. And then it's going to be so much easier to hand it over, get a good night's sleep, have a crack and good weekend, have a brilliant school holidays with the kids, whatever that container of time is, and then be in the space in between and then come back in again. and repeat the same process. Get at it with excitement. All right, peace out. Oh man, I don't know if this is going to be a thing I do every time I do a CB solo, but of course there's something I forgot to tell you. I wanted to pull a dream maker card for you. And I wanted to let you know, I mentioned this in last week's CB solo that I was going to open up some spaces for power hours with me, clarity and upgrade sessions, which is my absolute freaking jam, helping people to just get super clear. all of the big dreams, All of the ideation, be a sounding board, bring it in and streamline it. So you are clear at the heart of what's essential for you. Moving through the things that are blocking you and into clear and grounded forward momentum where it counts. That is my gift to the world. If I do say so myself. And so I figured out a way that works for me at the moment, which gives me heaps of flexibility. May. And I've created four spots in my calendar every week, and it's cheaper than it has ever been before. So if you feel like you could do with an injection of clarity and a rocket up here and some tough love to help you get past your bullshit and in forward momentum, align with your vision, then hit me up. Pick one of those spots. I'll drop the link below this episode and The card that I'm gonna pull that literally just chucked them all on the seat next to me So I'll just close my eyes and pull one see what comes out bum bum bum Here you go fear gets dissolved by action boom boom one of the OG sticky notes I ever had in my office, fear gets dissolved by action. So whatever it is that you are dreaming about it, don't just dream it, build it, do something about it. Take some courageous action today. That might be hitting me up for a one on one so that you can step into a ground of clarity and purpose and excitement for where you're going. Whatever it is, make a commitment to take brave action because fear gets dissolved. Gets dissolved by action, and all the cool shit comes from taking action. Alright, peace out. Mwah.