Dream Makers - a heart-driven podcast for creatives, entrepreneurs and brave people making cool sh*t in the world.

Dream Makers CB Solo - If you keep walking toward what feels right, you'll create a life that feels right.

March 18, 2024 Claire Byrt Season 5 Episode 89
Dream Makers CB Solo - If you keep walking toward what feels right, you'll create a life that feels right.
Dream Makers - a heart-driven podcast for creatives, entrepreneurs and brave people making cool sh*t in the world.
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Dream Makers - a heart-driven podcast for creatives, entrepreneurs and brave people making cool sh*t in the world.
Dream Makers CB Solo - If you keep walking toward what feels right, you'll create a life that feels right.
Mar 18, 2024 Season 5 Episode 89
Claire Byrt

Hey Dreamers! Ready for another CB solo ep: "If you keep walking toward what feels right, you'll create a life that feels right." It's time to cut through the noise and get real about our dreams.

What do you REALLY want? Let's strip away the expectations and get to the heart of our desires. Are you ready to step into the role of a dream maker? It's about aligning our actions with our ambitions and saying no to anything that doesn't light us up.

Let's face it – decisions based on external pressures lead to dissatisfaction. It's time to trust our intuition and embrace authenticity. Tune out the noise, trust your instincts, and start living the life you've always imagined – even if it's messy and confronting.

Take inspired action and protect your energy. Your dreams are within reach, but it takes courage and self-awareness to walk towards what feels right. Remember, if you're serious about changing your life, you'll find a way.

Let's step into the DECIDER role and create the life we truly desire. Tune in now and start walking towards your dreams!

I hope this helps, I hope this changes things for you.

Love x CB

Join: DREAM STREAM - weekly mentoring / clarity activations / community building.

Checkout: cbdreammaker.etsy.com for some cool sh*t I have made, that will motivate you out of fear and into forward momentum where it counts.

Email: CB at claire@projectworklife.com if you're curious about a CLARITY mentoring session.

Join PUSH THE MONEY BUTTON, pre-sale happening now, we kick off in June. Limited Spaces.

Show Notes Transcript

Hey Dreamers! Ready for another CB solo ep: "If you keep walking toward what feels right, you'll create a life that feels right." It's time to cut through the noise and get real about our dreams.

What do you REALLY want? Let's strip away the expectations and get to the heart of our desires. Are you ready to step into the role of a dream maker? It's about aligning our actions with our ambitions and saying no to anything that doesn't light us up.

Let's face it – decisions based on external pressures lead to dissatisfaction. It's time to trust our intuition and embrace authenticity. Tune out the noise, trust your instincts, and start living the life you've always imagined – even if it's messy and confronting.

Take inspired action and protect your energy. Your dreams are within reach, but it takes courage and self-awareness to walk towards what feels right. Remember, if you're serious about changing your life, you'll find a way.

Let's step into the DECIDER role and create the life we truly desire. Tune in now and start walking towards your dreams!

I hope this helps, I hope this changes things for you.

Love x CB

Join: DREAM STREAM - weekly mentoring / clarity activations / community building.

Checkout: cbdreammaker.etsy.com for some cool sh*t I have made, that will motivate you out of fear and into forward momentum where it counts.

Email: CB at claire@projectworklife.com if you're curious about a CLARITY mentoring session.

Join PUSH THE MONEY BUTTON, pre-sale happening now, we kick off in June. Limited Spaces.


Hello, my friends, welcome to another episode of the Dream Maker Podcast. It's a CB solo ep again. Just me sitting in my car at the beach. This is my current podcast recording studio. I love actually doing things in my car. It's like a little container. If anyone has spent any time mentoring with me after all, over all the years I talk on repeat about that. Creating containers, containers of time, containers of energy, containers to get shit done in. But, yeah, I find a good old CB solo at work for me in the car. at the beach quite specifically. I like the vibes. I like the vibes. So I'm proud of myself because I'm back for another CB solo yet within the week. This is my plan. One CB solo a week. I have to tell you, I have so many cool guests lined up for the next, oh my gosh, it feels like the next few months. And that's if I managed to make it happen with a guest episode every week because I've got heaps of people in the wing. Excited to have a conversation and be on the Dream Maker podcast. So, I bloody cannot wait. So, CB Solo EP, I was like, in the last, over the last couple of weeks, I have just written so many notes in my phone. And, actually, I love this question. I was even going to do a podcast episode on what's in your phone notes. I'll probably do that at another time. But anyone who was a creative, anyone who was a dreamer, anyone who was a dream maker, I bet your bloody bottom dollar you use your phone notes like a lifeline. Like you are just holding. So much. You could probably write a book with everything that you have in your phone notes. I'd be so intrigued to hear from you. If you're like, yes, CB, I have phone notes to just, I have so many phone notes that are real indicator of what I'm into, what I'm interested, what I'm learning, what I'm what lights me up. So. One of the things I opened my phone notes today thinking better do that a CB solo app. And one of the first phone notes I came up with was if you keep walking towards what feels right, you'll create a life that feels right. And I was like, boom, that's it. That's what I'm going to do this solo ep about. What is it that you really want? That's honestly, this is where we're always going to start. If you keep walking towards what feels right for you, making decisions that feel right for you, creating a life that feels right for you, building your business in a way that feels right for you. It's. It's a moment by moment, decision by decision thing. But if you keep doing that, then you're going to create a life that feels right for you. And that's what we want. We get one chance at this precious life. And the dream is to be doing it in a way that's really aligned with you, with your heart, with your values. When we talk about Dreaming and dreammaking and living the dream. When I talk about living the dream, I know that my idea of living the dream is so different to so many other peoples. And I don't expect everyone to have the same dream as me, but my dream of living by the beach and getting in the ocean every day and being with my children and feeling grounded and peaceful and safe and creative and in my power, all of those things are. living the dream for me. And that comes from the choices that I make. So I guess the first question is what is it that you really want? And, and being willing to ask yourself that question often, like maybe every day. What is it that you're really inspired to create? What is it that you're really inspired to experience? What do you want to experience today, this week, this month, this year in this one precious life? How do you want to be in the world? And when you have a greater sense of clarity around that, it's going to be easier to, make the decisions bit by bit, walk towards what feels right for you and walk away from what doesn't feel right for you. Which is uncomfortable. It's so uncomfortable sometimes walking away from the things that don't feel right in a line for you. But that's a really important part of the process. Like if you're going to walk towards what feels right for you, you've got to be willing to That's like saying yes to what feels right for you is also saying no to what doesn't feel right for you. And often and quite challengingly that comes at the expense of keeping other people happy and other people's expectations and, and things like that. So I think it's really important. For us to get clear about how we want to live our life, how we want to grow, how we want to evolve in this one precious life that we have. And then how committed are we to being a dream maker versus being a dreamer? And I think for everyone on every level, we're all dreaming about things and not yet taking action on. But how much more can we get really clear about what we want and then make moves, Walk towards what it is that we want, what it is that feels good for us. Cause the more we do the things that feel good for us and the more we take action on what's aligned and stop doing the things that aren't in alignment for us. It's, we're living, the dream now and that's, that's an exciting place to be. It doesn't mean it's perfect all the time, but it certainly is a really good way to roll. It's a really good way to be where you can be in your everyday not without its challenges, not without its messiness, but in a real sense of gratitude and appreciation for everything that you do have and everything that you have created and all the things that you have decided to move towards and be really, really excited about what you're also moving towards in the future. So probably be part of that is stop doing things that you don't want to do. Stop doing things that no longer feel aligned for you. Stop doing things that aren't aligned with your heart. and your values and what feels right for you and definitely stop doing things just for the purpose of keeping the peace and meeting other people's expectations. Whether that's in I don't know, your family or your circle or in your business or in the way other people do business. I think it's so important that you get really, really clear on what feels right and aligned for you. In the pursuit of bringing your dreams into reality, in the pursuit of growing your business, it's just not going to be the same as anybody else. So the more you can be connected to yourself and connected to your truth, it's so much easier to make those decisions. Why I wanted to talk about this other than because it was in my phone notes is I, I think it matters because if we're not making moves and walking toward what feels right for us with the intention of creating a life that feels right. We're often walking in a way that is just to keep other people happy and meeting pressures, external pressures, pressures outside of us and maybe inside of us. But that often leads to a deep sense of dissatisfaction and frustration and disappointment and time passing as well. So I think this is an invitation to. really start to follow your heart and follow your intuition and when we can do that, when we can be really honest with ourselves about what we want and why that matters and what excites us and what lights us up and then actually make decisions and make moves in that direction. It really helps us to build a sense of trust in ourself and it really helps us to follow our own intuition. And, and I think from that place, We build a more powerful, more grounded, more peaceful sense of growth and happiness and an alignment as well. So I think the other thing it brings is the sense of authenticity and authenticity, if you ask me, is like at the heart of creativity and at the heart of a sense of freedom. Like when you are, when you can be in the world in a way that's authentic to you. That brings with it a greater sense of freedom, that brings with it a greater sense of you trusting in yourself and trusting in the process and trusting that you're enough and trusting that your decisions are right and trusting that you are being supported and trusting that the moves that you make are part of something bigger as well. Yeah, and it helps you also to get into the decider role. I think getting into the decider role, Of this is who I am. This is what I want to create. This is who I'm choosing to be. This is what I'm going to do about it. And, and these are the actions that I'm going to be taking. I want to give you something practical in the CB Solos. I want to give you something practical. How do we shift from this idea of, you know, walking towards what feels right for us and creating a life that feels right. But doing that on a day by day, bit by bit basis, so I think my nutshell to that would be create practices, create space, create containers of time where you can really slow down and tune in and listen to your heart. And that's goddamn impossible if you are just committed to running and hustling and being productive 24 7. So there has to be a commitment to slow down, there has to be a commitment to create some space, there has to be a commitment to do things that shift your energy and regulate your nervous system and help you to come back into your body. And when you're, when you can slow down, when you can quiet your mind, when you can create some space, like in your life, in your mind, in your body, It's so much easier to kind of see what's there for you and see what it is that you really want and then decide to do something about it. Decide to really honor yourself in what it is you're creating and the way you want to create it, whether it's in your business or with your family or the way that you want to do business and family, all of those things together. It's such a unique, unique desire, if that's the right word. So yeah, number one, it would be slow down and listen to your heart. And number two would be, well, probably embrace fear. Fear is, I remember someone said to me once, It's one of my roles in life is to hold people's hand and guide them through fear and help them move through fear only because that is something that I've spent so much time doing myself and mentoring other people with like deep, deep, deep self doubt like crippling lack of worthiness, you know, so many things slowing me down and getting in my way and, and certainly over the years. Have taken so much action to overcome that. So I think embracing our fears means just understanding that fear is part of the process. It's part of our growth. It's part of it's actually part of the path forward. I think so often when you have a desire, when you get clear about what you want And then the fear starts to rise up and show you what your mind is telling you might not be possible or might not be good or this, what if, what if, what if might happen, but actually they're the things that need to be overcome. So the way I like to look at it is the fear the fear is information. The fear is information about what needs to be cleaned up, what needs to be looked at next, what needs to be overcome, what you need to move through. So, you know, if you keep walking towards what feels right, you create a life that feels right. But often it's what feels right to get done, what feels right to move through, what feels right to overcome. Because, you know, the thing about just doing what feels good and what feels right is that we'll be holding ourselves back. Because where we, that's just part of the bloody process. You get really excited about something, you have a vision, you have a dream, you have a desire and then fear is going to rise up to the surface. Once you claim something, the fear rises up. So use the fear as a driver. And Oh, I reckon Seth Godin, you know, I love Seth Godin, but he says something like, if it scares you, it's probably a good thing to try. I know that Jen Jen, my sister and I talk about this often when we have these ideas or things that we're excited about and we'll get on the phone with each other and we'll be Oh, there's this thing I really want to do, or this idea that came through to me over the weekend. Oh, but I'm a bit nervous. I'm a bit scared. It's like, Oh, well then that's the indicator that you've got to go for it because it's the portal, the pathway through to, yeah. What's on the other side, the growth, the clarity and, and I wholeheartedly believe that fear gets dissolved by action and action is such a vital part. That's the next bit I want to share. Like the third, third step in walking towards what feels right and feels right to get done. It's just getting to inspired action. The more action that you can take consistently, not relentless action, but inspired heart driven action. intentional action, courageous action, brave action action that is going to help you move through your fear and get to the other side. Play with your fear, dance with your fear, witness that the fear is just a story. But the more that you can do that, that you, you will actually see your dream coming into reality. You will start to see and witness and celebrate and bring gratitude and receptivity of. I'm actually doing this thing. I'm actually walking towards what feels right. I'm creating a life that feels right more and more of the time. So yeah, I wholeheartedly believe that fear gets dissolved by action, but I also think that clarity comes from action. and clarity helps dissolve fear. It's all like that all works together. That's why I'm a clarity mentor. I help people get to the heart of what's essential for them and to get really clear on where they're going and why that matters to them and what they want to bring into reality and break it down into a doable sustainable way of moving forward and getting into momentum because momentum is where the magic happens. I truly believe momentum is where the magic happens and that's When we witness that we're, we're doing it, this is happening, I'm walking into my, my the dream that I want to bring into reality, the next project that was once an idea that is now a real thing, turning a thought I have, an ideation I have into reality. a real life project that's now out in the world. It all comes from a willingness to get clear about what you want and a willingness to listen to your heart and, and see what fear is there for you, but continue to take action and move through it and create some momentum, create some energy around what it is that you're doing. And then you get to be like, this is happening. This is happening. I'm doing it. And my final tip around this would be, Always seek support, seek support, create layers of support, create layers of accountability. Community is bloody everything. I think we live and breathe by community and family and support crew and people who have similar values and similar drive and give you an energy and a sense of. I guess expand a possibility and expand a potentiality and expand a trust in yourself. So absolutely surround yourself with a supportive community and just know that, you know, fear is part of the process, roadblocks are part of the process, but if you keep taking action from this ground of place of, I know who I am, I know what I want, I'm excited about where I'm going. This is my plan. These are my intentions. I'm a little scared, but I'm going to keep taking action. You will actively every day be working towards this life, this business that feels right for you. And then you're going to create this life that feels right in the line for you and your heart. And that's, it's such a beautiful place to be in. So this is it. That's my, my thoughts for this CB solo ep. I hope it's been helpful for you. I really believe you've got the power to create. Bit by bit, day by day and so much of it comes down to your willingness to trust in yourself. So take this. I hope you love it. I hope there's something in this for you. And just know that bit by bit, day by day, you just get to keep making choices that are honoring your heart. honoring of your vision, honoring of your precious time and energy. And bit by bit, you will find yourself living the dream and celebrating that you're living the dream and being excited about where you're going and what's coming next. And, Just be really bloody proud of yourself. I think I said this in the last CB solo, but there is a large percentage of people out there in the world who are dreaming and ideating and talking about things that they want to do one day. And there's a very small percentage of people who are like getting up every single day, doing the work to make it a reality. And that's you. So bloody congratulations. All right. That's it for me. I'm pacing out. I am going to get in the ocean. I don't know if you've heard the waves rolling in while I've been talking. I have the door wide open because it is hot today. But I'm going to go and get in the ocean. It's, this is the second, third, second or third swim I've had today. And then my kids are coming home from school. So that's, that's my plan. That's what I'm excited about. Thank you so much for being here. Definitely share it with a friend. Let me know what your biggest takeaway from this is and just make a decision. that I am walking towards the life that feels right for me. Hey, it's me. I'm still here. I just jumped in the ocean. And first of all, it's magic. I will tell you that every time I get in the water, I am obsessed with the ocean. Anyway, I realized that I really wanted to quickly Pull a card. I wanted to pull a card before I finished this episode. Well my dream maker cards PS I am in love with. I sold the last deck last week, which is so cool. Well, technically I have two decks left over, but I'm saving them because I want to figure out how to give one to Missy Higgins. So I've got two paths, which I'm going to try. One of which is throwing one to her up on stage at a concert. So I officially sold the last deck that I had available last week, which is really cool. And I'm going to probably figure out how to do another pre sale so we can get some more decks out into the world, but I wanted to pull a card before I peace out and go home, meet my kids. So I've just pulled the one now. It says the obstacle is the way this is not the time to play it safe. I love this so much because we were talking about fear and taking action and knowing that the fear is actually showing you the way through. We think the fear is like, Oh, back out. Don't go this way. And the fear is actually come this way. This is the way to go through. You're going to have to move through the thing that's uncomfortable. You're going to have to do things differently. You're going to have to do things in a way you've never done them before if you're choosing to show up and create in a way and receive in a way that you never have before. So the obstacle is the way. This is not the time to play it safe. So, you know, Take what you want from that. I think that's such a beautiful and magical way to wrap up this episode. Class, I highly encourage you if you are anywhere near the ocean or a body of water, go and get in it. All right. Peace out. Lots of love till next time.